Wednesday 19 September 2018


A couple months ago, we wrote a story with a reliever. She had a bunch of photos and we all had to pick one and write a story about one. I chose a photo with the ghost lady, because I like writing scary stories.   So let's recap.....     
comment if you see this :)


It was a mid-day chilly Saturday and all of the town bundled up in warm clothing, I decided to take a walk in the town park, I started walking with the wind in my long blonde, curly hair. It flew around like the autumn leaves as they fell delicately to the crispy ground. My little blonde puppy barked and tried to eat the multi colored leaves. My leather jacket was keeping my upper body warm while my ripped skinny jeans kept my lower body warm, I had a grey woolen beanie with a fluffy pom-pom and a furry inside which covered my long silk hair. I skipped along the path my brown boots clopping on the ground. I seemed to be the only person in the wood. I would soon find out why. I slowed to a walk to find a bench, which wasn’t hard because there was a large opening with orange trees circling it. In the middle of the lush grass was a woman on the baby blue colored bench enjoying a book. She looked as if she was in the 1900s as she wore a long white scarf wrapping around her neck, her shirt was long sleeved and black and she had a flimsy grey skirt which had black squares. I figured her legs were crossed because her legs were not in sight. My puppy growled at the woman who didn’t seem to notice. I figured my pup was growling at the womans dog but I still was at the border of the trees so I guess she didn’t hear. I bent down and pushed my hair behind my ear. “Don’t” I quietly scolded my dog. He stopped at my voice but stared at the woman. The trees whispered in the wind and the leaves started to fall repeatedly. “Come sit down young lady there’s enough room” A raspy, old woman's voice said. I started to walk robotically, staring at my shoes. I sat down and hurriedly said “Sorry about my dog she doesn’t feel sure about…” My voice trailed off as I slowly looked up at the woman. Her face. Was, gone. Her hands were nowhere. Her legs definitely weren't crossed. She was a ghost. I never really got scared. But this time I was. What I do next could be a matter of life and death. But she chose for me. Everything turned black. When I woke up my dog was sitting in the lush grass and I was on the bench. I fell asleep! I looked around, and found that my eyesight was so much better! I looked around and found a book in my hands. I didn’t bring a book, but whatever. ‘She felt the life suck out of her body. And everything turned black’ the book read. I looked up from the book and saw a young brunette haired little girl by the border of the trees bending down patting her dog. “Come sit down there's enough room.” I said in raspy voice.

So what did you think? Comment some feedback!

🐊Blog ya later Alligators🐊

Thursday 6 September 2018

My Speech 2018

🌨We have speeches at our school, so I created a speech of something everyone dreams of.... 🌨

Have you ever had a dream where something really good is about to happen and then... Beep Beep Beep, Good morning let the stress begin. Hi I’m Sofia Royster and I’m going to tell you why school should start later. Something we all have in common is a rushed breakfast. But why be rushed isn’t breakfast the most important meal of the day? Instead of shoving weetabix down your throat take your time to create a healthy breakfast. Think about adding hard boiled eggs, toast with cheese and tomato, a smoothie, and yogurt with some granola and fresh fruit. Are you regretting your breakfast this morning yet? I know I am. But what if school didn’t start later and you had a really busy night cough cough fortnite cough and had to get into bed at about 10:00 pm then you woke up to that stupid BEEP BEEP BEEP at like 6:45 in the morning. The chances of you pressing the snooze button 10 trillion times is 99.99999% Out of 100. Well, if your like me. Children need sleep and going to bed at about 10 and waking up at 6 is only 7 hours of sleep. Kids from the ages of 5 to 13 need about 10 to 12 hours of sleep. That’s about the ages of Wainui Beach School students. Beaches, ah those totally picture perfect beaches. The beach is SO beautiful in mornings. Imagine waking up and going to the beach. That would set our teachers off for an awesome, calm school day. Walking on the beach doesn't only make you happy it does have benefits too. Did you know that people enjoy walking on the beach so much they walk more than they would walking on the street or a treadmill so they are exercising and enjoying it. That’s a perfect hack for me. When humans walk on the beach, the sound of waves and birds will likely let all struggles and worries erase from your brain and they can enjoy the rest of their day not holding all that hatred and stress inside of them. Then again none of this is possible because of the starting time of school, so I think Wainui Beach School could be the first school in New Zealand to start school at 10:30 and end at 3:00 so us students get 5 hours of great learning. Do you wish you could have that extra sleep in the mornings? I know in my experience, when I have that extra snooze in the morning it’s always “LET'S GO! COME ON GUYS WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!” So let’s be like cat’s spending two thirds of their lives sleeping; School SHOULD start later.

Hope you enjoyed it! Comment if you think school should start laterπŸ€” I clearly do 🀣 Thanks for reading! πŸ“•πŸ“–πŸ”–

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Quality Blogging Comments

Have you ever posted a comment on anything? Facebook, Blogging, Instagram, Youtube ect?  And then you checked 4000 times but when you post it you see something wrong?? Well I know I definitely have! So here I am showing you one of my comments' on a boy's blog from Blaketown School. 😺

I added a Greeting sentence. Explaining who I was. I added a positive sentence. Telling him what he did great. I added relating sentence. Explaining he's not alone and we all get a little un-focused at times. And I added a helpful sentence.  Telling him a 'Maybe Next Time' sentence.

I checked with my friend Amelia and she told me that it had no grammar mistakes or any sentences that didn't make sense. So I posted it on his blog. πŸ˜πŸ™‰

That is a quality blog post!πŸ˜†πŸ˜ΈπŸ˜πŸ˜Ž

Leave some quality comments and feedback! 🀣

Thursday 26 July 2018

The Sunshine State

When I was on holiday, I went to California. It really was magical, when I was surfing I heard.... 

πŸ„πŸŒ€Sunshine StateπŸŒ€πŸ„
“Woohoo” I thought to myself as I pushed the white, small, skinny fiberglass board with my hands. I just learnt how to duck dive and I loved going under the waves and hearing the whales from a distance, the salty water somehow always made it into my mouth, and when I returned to the surface of the clear water I could somehow smell the humid air. A set hasn’t formed - yet. Quickly I paddle to get out back before the waves start to create a set. Isn’t that sound beautiful or what? The sound of bubbles rising from the surface, it’s even more magical because the bubbles are made by a big turtle down in the blue. Although I was enjoying watching the fish and turtles play, I needed to get out back; a set is forming. Why are the waves so awesome, colossal, annoying all at the same time? Why is it that the waves decide now is a good time to form?? Ok, fine, paddle, paddle, paddle and…. BOOM!

⇨So hope you liked my holiday slow write! Give some feedback please!⇦

Also for the people who don't know what a slow write is its a list of ten things you have to do, and it goes something like this
Sentence 1:  Start with the word “woohoo!”
Sentence 2:  This sentence must use emotive words.
Sentence 3:  This sentence must focus on the sense of smell/taste/touch or hearing
Sentence 4:  Must be a 5 words long.
Sentence 5:  Must start with an adverb.
Sentence 6:  This sentence must contain a question mark
Sentence 7:  start with the word “Although”
Sentence 8:  This sentence must have 3 adjectives in a list
Sentence 9: This sentence must start with a “Why is it…” phrase
Sentence 10 :  This sentence must end with a sound word (onomatopoeia) and an
                      exclamation mark.

Wednesday 6 June 2018

All About Me Avatar

We did a project with Koka Maria called All About Me, we used an avatar website and created an avatar that looks like us, here's mine! πŸŽπŸ‘§

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Safe Passwords

Last week we had Koka Maria in again, and she told us about safe passwords. She gave us a slideshow to work on.  She said that stalkers, hackers and many other people guess passwords easily so make it hard to guess. She suggested say a sentence then take the first letter and use it
So here is an example

I like nature and animals but sometimes the inside is great too

Anyway here is the slide show

Monday 14 May 2018


Learning Intention: I am sharing my thoughts about bullying at


Bullying Quotes (Dear Haters)

All of this week and last week we were learning about bullying. Today we were looking at bullying quotes. I chose the one up top. It really makes me say "OOOHHH YEAAAAHHHH!" And I definitely believe this quote❣


Here is Rm 1's kindness wall. The hands are quotes about kindness and what YOU give to the class. My one says "Never Give Up On Your Horse Because Your Horse Would Never Give Up One You" I think this because I ride a horse called Cloudy she has never left my side and she would never ever give up on me or her other owner Hana. We both love her and would never stop riding her. On the dark orange we wrote about what we like about school most of us said our friends. I figured that people wrote about it because we all have friends and they lift our moods and make us laugh. On the post it notes there are what makes a good friends (yellow) and what makes a bad friends (orange).

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Google Drawings Poster

Every Wednesday we have Koka Maria in after brain-break. We have her until morning tea. Lately she's been teaching us about Google Drawings. Today she taught us to over lap images. We made posters about what we can do. Here's Mine!♡

Friday 23 March 2018


LI: I am sharing some of my ideas, feelings and thoughts on my blog about the
     Duathlon  today!

Success Criteria:
  • It makes sense when I read it
  • I have used capital letters and full stops correctly
  • I have had my blogging buddy check my blog before I publish it
So today was Duathlon  I had lots of fun and did my best even though I came 9th I definitely was happy about how I did. So, I made a document/story about how I felt! Here It is! 

  • The year sixes (me!!) had to run 3 laps of the field, bike 2 laps of the reserve and then another 2 laps of the field. 
  • The laps get smaller down the year groups.
  • The people without bikes or shoes of helmet have to run the whole thing. Now that's hard.

Wednesday 21 March 2018

What I Know About Google Drawings

Today we had Koka Maria in Rm 1, she taught us a couple of things about google drawings! We made 5 minute posters and put two things on it! πŸ˜‰ I thought this task was fun because we get to use our mind to create a poster!πŸ’–πŸ˜

Friday 9 March 2018

Digital Dig

Digital Dig. We have had Ms Ducky in our class this Thursday and Friday, and we did a Digital Dig. We were told to make posters about 2018 Here's Mine!! Leave some feedback! I also have shown my top tips!

Bad Facts

A while ago I created a slide show about the horrible facts about the world. So sad I know, but remember to rethink going to SeaWorld and watching Metro Goldwyn Mayer!! 😭
Click to see things appear and watch to see the horrible true facts about the world.

Reading Wheel

In Room 1, we learned about degrees we learned things like, The Radius, Midpoint, How 360° is a full rotation, 180° is half of a full rotation, 90° is quarter of a full rotation. To use our skills we made a reading wheel. We had to pick a book we had read, and used a sector to create EXACTLY 6 quarters. We had three illustrations and 3 pieces of writing. Here is my reading wheel about the book, JUST DOOMED😝

Cycle Safety

2 weeks ago Constable Pam and Sam came and taught us about Cycle Safety, As soon as we got back into the class we made posters. Here I have taught you the basics of how to stay safe!! πŸ˜†πŸ˜

Leave some feedback of what you think!!

Friday 16 February 2018

Stay Safe On A Computer

In Room 1 we made these posters on how to keep safe while on a computer!! We learned about cyber bullying and staying safe! To remind everyone and myself to stay safe! Then Ms Ducky came in and helped us embed our posters! πŸ˜†⇩Go Check Out Mine!⇩ Leave some feedback please when your finished!😜

Friday 9 February 2018

Welcome To My Blog

✌Hi! My name is Sofia, πŸ¦„
I am a year 6 at Wainui Beach School, Gisborne New Zealand. This is my first ever blog and I'm going to use this for my learning! I will be blogging what I'm learning during school! 😻 I love horse riding and compete competitively🐎, I love my four goats🐐, my 7 pet ducksπŸ¦† and my cat Nala🐈, I am from America but moved here when I was five. 😝 

Please leave some feedback once you have seen my work πŸ’–